Wednesday, February 08, 2006

From Yesterday Comes Tomorrow

Have you ever noticed how one day it seems as though the world will come crashing down around you throwing you into what seems like utter dispare, and not two days later you can feel almost carefree? Some days it feels as though God has either deserted you or never existed in the first place and others you see Him all around you. Maybe this is simply a product of my tendency to be a bit melodramatic at times. Still, this phenomenon baffles me. In truth, even in the worst of bad days, chances are your circumstances are not that different than they are on any give good day. It seems as though you should be able to remind yourself of this truth anytime you have a bad day and immediately find peace. Why is this not the case? Why are we rational when things are good and more irrational when things seem bad? I know this is a more prevalent condition in some than others. I suppose it is all part of being human. The good would never seem great if there were no bad to compare it to. Maybe this is why people who have the world handed to them on a silver platter seem so unhappy sometimes. In a world without adversity there is no triumph.


Blogger Je Dois said...

I don't know if I'm still allowed to do this but...

In Vanilla Sky Tom Cruise's friend tells him that he can't taste the sweet without the sour because Tom has never been denied anything. A Modest Mouse song says; "And if it takes shit to make bliss, well then I feel pretty blissfully. If life's not beautiful without the pain, well then I'd rather never ever see beauty again." You are melodramatic but I'm definently worse.

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want to point out that your title is an Audioslave song and you didn't give Chris, Tom, Brad, or ol' Timmy C any credit...somebody's got the plagarizing pant's on today don't they...Hi I'm josh...have you ever heard Amazing Grace...yeah...I wrote that...where does it end man...where does it end...

p.s. touch your toes, baby rub on your ;;;;;;;, I'm swinging like a bat...

1:27 PM  
Blogger josh said...

jerrod likes kelly clarkson...that's all i'm saying about that.

2:39 PM  

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