Sunday, February 12, 2006

Some People.... I know I have already written at least one post on "romantic" issues or dating etc. but I believe I shall present a few more of my own thoughts. I promise that I don't sit around brooding over sexual frustration issues. I'm not quite there yet.

A friend of mine claims she's given up on the notion of some romantic guy sweeping her off her feet along with movies and/or books supporting this mythological creature, the perfect man. She definitely has a point. Now, I'm sure she is not completely serious. Still, this frustration is experienced on both sides of the sex boundary. I too have almost, not quite completely yet, given up on the hopes of some "perfect" woman actually existing. Now, when I say perfect I am not implying that she is without flaw of any kind because that is preposterous. Obviously I mean perfect as in everything that I would want in a woman. Anyway, that is beside the point that I think I'm going to attempt to make.

Believe it or not ladies, truly romantic guys do exist. Unfortunately, the male race has gone and shot himself in the proverbial foot. There are a large number of guys( no, I won't call them men) whom I affectionately like to refer to as bastards, who make the existence of romance difficult for those who believe in it. These individuals have discovered that the way into a woman's( or at least some women's) pants through feigned romance. Now, a lot of times this feigned romance can be difficult to spot at the time. However, its true nature is revealed in time by any number of events that I will not go into here. Also, sexual exploitation is not the only way that guys prove themselves to be jerks.

Not only does this create a problem for women as they inevitably have their hearts broken, but it also creates problems for all those non-asshole guys out there. If a person has been jaded, it almost certainly puts a blemish on any future interest's slate. If a girl is dating a guy and he attempts to do something "romantic" for her, she is certainly going to wonder if this is simply another attempt at getting into her pants. This fear may be diguised as ridicule claiming that the guy is being sappy or cheezy. However, he may be. It just depends on the guy. Only with time can he prove himself not an asshole to her. That is not necessarily wrong. It just seems a shame to me that it is "safer" to be presumed guilty until proven innocent rather than the other way around. Despite the fact that it is a shame, it would be unwise to not be suspect at all.

On a slightly lesser note, all of these romance novels and "chick flicks" make it increasingly difficult, although certainly not impossible, to come up with a truly original idea.

Anyway, that's at least some of what I have to say about that. I could go on but I'm not trying to write a book here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,
I have found the perfect man, but sadly he's taken. If only Jerrod Spaugh knew how I felt. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I found your words so inspirational, I wrote them down in my quote book right next to Benjamin Disraeli and Alexander Pope. Just wanted to let you know.

4:11 PM  
Blogger josh said...

wow laura, thanks. that means alot.

4:25 PM  

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