Monday, February 13, 2006

Bad Joo Joo?

I would like to expound a bit on my previous post concerning the inerrancy of the Bible. However, before I do so I would like to make it clear that I do not in any way, shape or form consider myself to be a Biblical scholar. These are simply a layman's thoughts on an issue that is much bigger and far deeper than he could possibly imagine. With that said....

I stated earlier that it is my belief that it is foolish to assume the complete inerrancy of the Bible. For me, this is not a question of whether or not God is capable of seeing to it that He is represented 100% accurately because there is no doubt in my mind that He is capable. I simply do not think that He chose to do so. Why? I have no idea. But it seems to me that if He chose to make sure that He was not misrepresented in the Bible He would also choose not to be misrepresented in any other book written about Him or by any of the other morons out there on the streets telling gay people that God hates them and that they're the ones responsible for the downfall of our nation. After all, He would indeed be capable preventing such. For some reason He chooses not to. Although I can respect the opinion that Almighty God chose to protect the accuracy of everything in the Bible, it seems to be an avoidance of the question; a sort of easy way out if you will that explains everything that we do not understand without even breaking a sweat. Upon careful reading and study of scripture I find it impossible to overlook certain contradictions. Yes, there are contradictions and to claim otherwise is irrational in my opinion. To claim that the Bible is not a perfect document is not the tantamount of claiming that God is an imperfect God. The Bible is not God! It is an attempt by men to explain a being much greater and unfathomably complex. It can only be expected that we would be unable to represent Him fully. Certainly He is capable of allowing such to happen. There simply are too many things within the word that point in different directions. I think that He chose to tell us exactly what we needed to know. I think He gave us the essentials in that book. The rest must be sorted out in our own hearts and minds as He chooses to reveal things to us which is what I think Paul meant in Philippians 2:12-13 when he said "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So.....if we are to believe that some of the bible is accurate...and some is not....then can we just pick and chose which parts we want to believe....and the parts we don't like, we can just ignore. This is my concern....I feel as if this is dangerous ground and it reminds me of the garden of Eden, when the serpant said to Eve..."Hath God said?" (Is that REALLY what God meant??) This is an age old trick, to discredit...and bring to question the word of God. It allows us to compromise and justify our actions.

6:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're so going to hell...see ya there...

p.s. Everytime you say bad things about Kelly angel gets AIDS

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally understand where you are coming from. Obviously, where there are people, there are going to be some differences in opinion and interpretation. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree and that's totally ok.....

I don't believe the bible interprets itself, but I do believe that the Holy Spirit speaks to us and interprets it as we read, granted, that is often slanted by our preconceived ideas. But, there have GOT to be some basics that we all agree on, whether Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic or whatever. I would like to attempt to share with you my thoughts on your comments.

1. The old testament also tells us not to let a witch live....but, we don't go out seeking and killing witches...why? Because we are under the New Covenant...a Covenant of Grace (thank goodness) Jesus took the death penalty for us all.

2. Baptists really have a hang up about the drinking thing.....yet, they can never show ONE place in the scripture that forbids it. On the contrary, if drinking in moderation is a sin, Jesus was the biggest sinner of all and even in His time was accused of being a drunkard by those who held to total abstinance. The primary reason for not drinking is because of the way our society is and above all things, we want to lead others to Christ and if this hinders our ability to be able share Christ with others, then it is a small price to pay. For instance in another culture, it would not be a problem at all and therefore would not be wrong.

3. The scripture speaks many times in the old and new testaments about homosexuality, though it does not always use this actual term. If homosexuality is not a sin, then I must also conclude that neither is adultery or fornication...and we can just all live like the rest of the world and do whatever we want. What it really boils down to is not the Letter of the Law, but the heart and intent of it. What would Jesus say? What is His view of homosexuality or adultery or fornication? (Our society seems to think homosexuality is disgusting, but adultery is an acceptable or understandable sin which is ludicrous). Jesus, would gently and lovingly point the homosexual person (or whatever the sin)to their sin and lovingly and willingly forgive them when they asked forgiveness. It is not the unforgiveable sin. Any sin can be forgiven. I think we can screw around with the scriptures and justify anything we want. But, what is the Heart of Jesus in the matter?

You are so right, we CAN NOT just believe what we believe because that's what our parents taught, to question is not wrong, to explore is not's a good thing, just make sure that the motive of your heart is always in the right place...not trying to justify the things we want, but genuinly seeking to know the Heart of God and to please Him above all things.

6:49 AM  

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