Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sui Generis (it means unique)

Well, it seems that all my friends have been posting their top movies lately. So, in the spirit of conformity I'm going to hop on the proverbial band wagon and give my two cents worth on what I think that everyone should see.

Let's start with the top 5 movies I have seen this year (this doesn't mean that it came out this year...just that I saw it this past year):

5) The Fisher King is one of the best movies that I have ever seen. Now, this movie came out in 1991 but most people that I ask have not even heard of it. It stars Jeff Bridges who is an ex-shock jock in New York who lost everything when a comment he made over the radio spurs a man into a killing spree in a restaurant and then turns the gun on himself. Robin Williams plays an insane homeless man on a quest for the Holy grail who sees and talks to floating little fat people. The story follows both men on their journey together to recovery. It gives some great insights into human nature and is overall an inspiring film. It actually received quite a few awards in its debut. However, I was 8 years old when it came out and therefore oblivious.

4) History of Violence with Vigo Mortenson is an excellent film. It tells the story of a man without a past whose past comes back to haunt him. It's difficult to describe this movie without giving too much away. There are quite a few shock elements in this one with some pretty gruesome imagery. However, I felt it was necessary to the story. The ending is my favorite part of the whole movie.

3) Grizzly Man is by far one of the strangest films that I have ever seen. I have to put it on here, however, because it is the true story of an absolutely crazy man. When you see this movie you will not believe that it is real. It's too absurd. I assure you however that it is authentic. It is a documentary of a failed actor who takes it upon himself to become the "protector of the bears". He travels to Alaska each summer and lives with the grizzly bears claiming to be "studying" and "protecting" them. To make a long story short the guy gets eaten by the bears along with his girlfriend. I know what you are thinking..."That's not funny! That's terrible!" Just watch the movie and then tell me if you still feel sorry for the guy.

2) I was going to put Garden State as my number 2 but everyone else listed it so I'm going to go with Saved with Jena Malone, Mandy Moore, and Macaulay Culkin. I think everyone has seen this but it is a hilarious and painfully true portrayal of the Christian subculture.

1) I'm putting Munich as number one and it was indeed an incredible film. However I numbered this more for organizational purposes and not so much as a ranking system. It is the story of what happened after the murder of some athletes by terrorists at the 1972 Olympics. Speilberg does an excellent job of getting the audience attatched to the five assassins given the task of hunting down those responsible as they attempt to carry out their mission with less than full support of their country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rented Grizzly Man the other day. Oh God, hilarious. The scene with the fox(ghost or spirit or whatever) was priceless. I know it's awful, but I couldn't stop laughing. He died a few years ago, but when we went up to Alaska, people were still talking about what an idiot he was. They hated that the media made him into a hero down here. And since I don't have my own blog to use to post my favorite movies, I'll just post on yours(hope you don't mind). Brokeback Mountain- not just because it's controversial, it was very well done and I thought there was great character development and overall just a great story, City of God- not at all what I expected, and Life is Beautiful - Classic. Last two are both subtitled.

1:41 PM  
Blogger Je Dois said...

city of God is awesome. It's so gruesome but told so honestly.

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked Grizzly Man. "I love you spirit, I love you Spirit, Don't you go in that F***ing den, Don't you go in that F***ing den. I'm sorry, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm sorry, I love you Spirit, I love you......Priceless

3:23 PM  

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