Sunday, August 27, 2006

something a little bit more like myself

Well, I've had the same complaint from all of my very few readers being that the things I say on this blog actually sound nothing like me. So, I'm really not sure how much posting I will be doing this semester with my hefty 18 hour course load but when I do I hope to sound a little more like me with what I write. I'll try not to write about guilt about not helping with world hunger or discuss Biblical inerrancy. I agree, when I wrote about those things it really didn't seem like things I would say. I mean, it's not that I don't ever think about those things because those are my actual thoughts that I posted. They just don't seem to be subject matter that you would hear me talk about. I guess I mostly sound like I'm full of crap to people who actually know me because I write differently than I talk. Plus, everybody said I was boring so I'll try and make it a bit more interesting for those few who care.


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