Monday, February 27, 2006

Everybody Has AIDS!

I recently watched the hit musical Rent with some friends. I was unsure of how I would like this movie but I was anctious to see it anyway due to all the hype that proceeded it. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I read some reviews by some secular critics that sang its praises and I also read some Christian reviews which pretty much tore it apart. I can certainly see good points on both sides. It's true, there was a great deal of sexual content including quite a bit of gay action. However, the story was amazing and I was blown away by the unconditional love and loyalty displayed among this group of friends. They were there for one another and accepting no matter what happened or how bad they screwed things up. Although, they displayed a common human characteristic by embracing what I thought to be extremes that were merely a reaction to those who were oppressing them. Now, I'm not going to lie and say that I was completely able to overlook the homosexual elements (there's just something about two grown men cuddling that makes me cringe a little), but they didn't overrun the main point of the movie for me. Overall, I felt like there was a lot to be learned from the film. I wish that I could be as loving and unconditionally accepting as some of the characters.


Blogger Je Dois said...

so brokeback mountain is next right? ; )

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephanie, you can't say that. You never even saw it.

7:00 AM  
Blogger josh said...

laura...musicals by nature are more classy than gay westerns.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did something like class make a movie good.

10:32 AM  
Blogger josh said...

good point

12:11 PM  
Blogger Je Dois said...

besides, and since I'm from Texas I can say this, I'm pretty sure none of ya'll have seen brokeback mountain or if you had would know that it is a great film that deals with LOVE in an appropriate fashion. It's hard to find more class in everyday films about heterosexual relationships.

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am also from Texas(no need for stereotypes)and have seen Brokeback Mountain. Nothing better than gay cowboys. And no one had aids. I think that's a plus. I have to agree with Huxtable here. The movie was tastefully done. I've seen heterosexual romances that make me more uncomfortable. But I still loved Rent. Both are amazing movies.

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Josh, if you saw the way that guy in the military looked at me, you would know what I mean. He may have only said Hi, but he said it in the most desperate way I have ever seen or experienced. And if a stranger continues to sniff you and say that you smell wonderful, thats kinda weird too.

4:49 PM  
Blogger josh said...

ok...i see your point...this guy dressed like a police man did that to me yesterday

8:24 PM  
Blogger Je Dois said...

to laura, sorry about the stereotype. I'm studying abroad in England and had wanted to see B.M. in America but none of my friends were having it. It took me coming back to England to find some people who were willing, I mean eager, to watch the film. It made me sad to say, when my English friend asked me, that hate towards homosexuals still predominates our culture. Also that killings, though few, did happen. I just wanted to make a joke, didn't mean to start a discussion.

1:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huxtable, No hard feelings here. I understand your reasoning for the stereotype. I live with them everyday. And Josh, see? I told you it was scary. You guys just think i blow everything out of proportion. And was this guy just dressed as a policeman or a real policeman?

10:45 AM  
Blogger josh said...

i may never know for sure.

11:13 AM  
Blogger jerrod said...

I'm assuming if they read that then they have read some other stuff and realize that I'm full of at the same time if they think that's a real recommendation, well, I guess more Pat Robertson is getting basically it's a win-win

7:53 PM  

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