Sunday, September 17, 2006

why I hate camels

This afternoon I went to the library to work on some homework. I worked for about 3 hours at which point I was feeling a little stressed and just really needed to get out. When I walked outside I noticed that it looked like a storm was coming in so I got the idea to go out to the lake and sit on the pier and watch it come in. What would go better with watching a storm come in than my favorite cigarettes? Blacks are so great because they taste like some sort of weird cinnamony candy and they're too expensive to buy very often so you won't get addicted. I hadn't had any in a while so I went to the tobacco barn to pick some up but it was closed. By this point I had my heart set on a little smoking so I went to a few places in hopes that they would have them but alas...there were none to be found so I settled for a more generic brand and went out to the lake. By the time I got there there was a full blown electrical storm raging up in the sky. Quickly I was reminded of why I will never be more than the occasional smoker(besides the whole cancer thing) as the cigarettes I had purchased tasted horrible. I managed to finish one and felt quite unsatisfied.
I just sat and watched the storm alone. Lightening storms are my favorite. They are so beautiful and powerful with the brilliant flashes and earthshaking thunder. They're almost terrifying. If you've never sat outside and watched one I would highly recommend it. It reminds you of the awesome power of God and how little of him we understand. We know what causes the storms but what real purpose do they serve? Perhaps it is nothing more than to remind us of His magnificence. Anyway, as I sat there watching the light streak sporadically across the sky my mind began to wander. I started thinking about things that have been bothering me and trying to figure out what to do and what was going to happen. Then the wind stopped blowing and it was eerily still to the point that it snapped me out of my anxiety for a moment and I looked up again. The lightening was still flashing all around but there was no wind in the trees or across the water and I realized something. There I was watching this humbling display of God's power right in front of my eyes and yet I was far away trying to solve my own problems in my mind. I was worrying about tomorrow and what it could bring as if it wasn't in His control. It was as if He told the wind to be still as a way of telling me to be still. And I was still. For a moment I felt His peace.
After what could have been five minutes or half an hour, I don't know, I began to hear the wind coming from behind me in the trees and then it blew harder and harder. It started to blow so hard that I didn't feel safe sitting out on the pier anymore and so I walked back to my car as the rain began to pour. I'd like to think it was all His way of reminding me who is in control, and not just of the big things, of everything...including my own mind and petty dilemmas.


Blogger Erinne said...

spot stealer

12:07 PM  
Blogger Ched said...

Good words.

Perhaps it is nothing more than to remind us of His magnificence.

And that would be enough.

11:39 AM  

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